If you have read yesterday’s blog post you will know that day 1 of Dani Wallace‘s incredible BeeInspired event totally fried my brain. It was exactly what I needed to finally break the dam of stuff I had blocking my progress, and the ensuing meltdown was sooooo needed.
Having let out all of my fear and vulnerability, I went into day 2 feeling fantastic (funny that. Almost as though it’s a good idea to feel our feelings). I got so much from the event, met some wonderful people and came away 100% inspired.
This is the result:
I’d love to know what origin story you are holding onto that you have actually outgrown? Is it time to tuck it away in your treasure chest of all the things that make you who you are, and step into your next phase? Let me know in the comments below.
Big things are coming. Are you ready?
Helen Calvert
The No Bullsh*t Coach
September 2023