I love helping others – in work and in life in general.
Today I am having a coffee with Joanne Gardiner of Just ask Jo, who has kindly agreed to answer my questions about her no BS happier life…
Q. How long have you been self-employed, and how do you make the most of the freedom that self-employment brings?
A. 18 months now – I love that my work isn’t time specific so if I want a Thursday morning off or have lunch with a friend, I can – if I’ve got lots on, I can pick bits up of an evening and it doesn’t matter. I was maxed out working hourly before but since switching to packages and letting clients go that weren’t right, I don’t feel like I’m cramming it in. Also not feeling guilty if I’m not working as I’m not feeling it!
Q. What are you passionate about – in business and in life?
A. I love helping others – in work and in life in general. I think I get satisfaction from a job well done and knowing it’s valued/appreciated. I love getting creative too – with words or design so anything I can sprinkle some creativity into floats my boat.
Q. What brings you joy?
A. Seeing other people happy, my kids smiling and laughing, being with friends and family, watching my favourite TV shows at home such as Grey’s Anatomy!
Q: How do you nurture yourself when you do something that is outside of your comfort zone?
A. Time alone and to reflect but I also like talking things through – I find talking about things really helps. I try to be kind to myself although I find that hard – I can be harsh and over critical especially if things didn’t go well. Perfectionist tendencies! Cake and chocolate help too!
Q. How do you show yourself excessive kindness?
A. I probably don’t!
Q. What is one thing about being a business owner that you have learned is BS?
A. Social media makes it look like everyone is killing it but they’re not. Everyone has moments of self doubt and imposter syndrome and things that don’t go to plan.
Q. What will be your next adventure?
A. That’s the exciting part figuring it out – I’m still working on mine.
Q. An important part of owning our own story is being able to state who we are without explanation. Tell us something about yourself / your preferences / your needs without any background or context:
A. I like variety – I don’t like feeling pigeonholed or that I’m stagnating doing the same thing and not moving forward.
Q. Who are you looking to work with, and how can people get in touch?
A. Female career, leadership and business coaches ready to scale their business who know they can’t (and don’t want to) do it on their own – looking for creative support and collaboration with content repurposing and design support.
Email: Jo@justaskjo.co.uk
My thanks to Joanne for allowing me to share her insights! Look out for more interviews with members of my wonderful business network coming soon.
Helen Calvert
The No Bullsh*t Coach
March 2023