No, it’s not all about sex toys!
I hope you already know this but you may have missed the memo… I am hosting an incredible 2-day event in Sale, Greater Manchester, on Thursday 25th and Friday 26th April 2024.
If you love my podcast, if you love my book, if you have loved hearing me speak… this event is for and about you. It is for anyone who is ready for a Happier Life.
For everyone who is ready to embrace freedom, passion, joy and adventure in their lives.
For everyone who is ready to own their own story. For everyone who wants to treat themselves with excessive kindness, and squeeze every last drop of enjoyment out of life.

You can find all of the event details here, including a list of speakers and exhibitors. In this article I wanted to answer some FAQs and bust a couple of myths…
Is it all about sex?
I’ve heard that someone thought the event is all about sex toys. That will be because I did a reel on Instagram saying that I would love to have somebody there with a sex business to promote sex toys, lube, anything supportive of sexual pleasure. We haven’t managed to get that exhibitor, which is a real shame, so I don’t think there will be any sex toys there. But of course we’re going to be talking about sex. Have you listened to my podcast?? We have the amazing Ruth Ramsey speaking who is an Intimacy Coach. So yes, we are going to be talking about sex.
Do you have to talk about your sex life? No.
Can you talk about your sex life if you want to? Yes.
Is it going to be ‘Woo’?
I’ve also heard some people are worried that it’s going to be very ‘Woo’. Firstly, what does ‘Woo’ mean to you? Yes, we have exhibitors talking about massage and holistic therapy. Yes, we have people talking about your energy cycles and female energy. Ali Knight is speaking, she’s a self-professed witch, she’s about as ‘Woo’ as they come. Abi Adams will be on the stage, she’s ‘Woo’.
Here’s the thing, though: it’s no bullsh*t. It’s stuff that’s actually going to help. It’s stuff I truly believe is going to be transformative.
But guess what? Nobody is expected to take everything away with them. No one is expected to come out of that event and go ‘Well absolutely everything that was said is right up my street’. I mean, it would have to be pretty bland if that was the outcome, right? The expectation is you’re going to come out of there thinking some of the things you heard were a game changer.
Do you have to engage with stuff that you think is ‘Woo’? No.
Can you engage with stuff you think is ‘Woo’ if you want to? Hell yes.
Abi Adams is going to lead a movement session at the end of both days. Now for some people that will feel like the perfect ending; we’re going to be able to shake it off and get out the energy we’ve been taking in during the day. For others that might sound like a nightmare. Key information: nobody is going to make you do anything.
We’re going to have an area to the side of where the tables are, with sofas available. Sarah Steinhafel is going to be in charge of that chill out zone, retreat zone, quiet zone, safe zone, whatever you want to call it. Anytime that you’re uncomfortable, or you don’t want to engage, or you just don’t want to sit on a chair anymore, you can go and sit yourself over there. No one is going to make anyone do anything they don’t want to do.
The point is a happier life, not us forcing you to do what we think is good for your life.
What’s the parking situation?
I do know how people get very excited about parking so yes, there is parking. You drive in, you drive into a bay, you park your car. There’s no parallel parking, there’s no multi-story, there’s no complication. Parking is right there in front of the venue.
What will the food be?
The food’s going to be delicious. All vegetarian, plus vegan options and gluten free options. We’ve got all the different milks. If you’ve got a concern about food or refreshments whether you’re coming or you’re thinking of coming, just let me know. Please let me know, because I want everyone to be comfortable.
Here is the menu for the two days:

Is it for introverts or extroverts?
The introverts amongst you, come in, go and find your coffee, find out where you’re going to be sat, sit down and hope no one speaks to you. Right? That’s the introverts. Fine, absolutely fine. Extroverts you’re going to bounce on in and talk to everyone and want to be involved. Fine. Perfect.
Come and be you. The event is for everyone.
Are you neurodivergent? Me too. You can sit on the floor, you can stand, you can leave the room at any time. It’s okay. You come as you are. You are welcome.
Is there outside space?
Yep, the event is at a rugby club so there is outside space, and access to the riverbank. Who knows what the weather will be like in April – if it’s a nice day we can have the doors of the main room open to the outside world.
Why would I come along?
This event is going to help you have a happier life. It really is that simple.
If you enjoy my podcast, if you have read my book, if you enjoy my content, you will not want to miss this event. Different perspectives, reframing, seeing life in a different way, being kind to ourselves, self care… Anything that makes life better, happier, we’ll be looking at the whole thing, and there will be no bullsh*t. It’s about life, not work, but most of the people in that room are going to be business owners. If you want to have a successful business, my whole message is that you’ve got to look after yourself. That is the route to success.
Is it a business expense?
Yes, you can charge it as an expense to your business.
Where will I be sat?
On a table of 10 with other fabulous attendees. I will be masterminding the table plan, so if where you will sit and/or who you will be sat with is a concern please reach out to me.
How do I get my ticket?
You sign the terms & conditions here then you’ll be given an option to pay in full (£200) or in two installments of £100 over 2 months (that option will be available until the end of March). If you have any difficulties with the sign up page please email helen@clear-day.co.uk
If the cost is a barrier to you but you would love to come along, please do reach out to me. I don’t want anyone to miss out on this impactful event just because they don’t feel they can afford it.
Anything else?
If your question isn’t answered above or on the event page, please do reach out to me and I will respond as soon as I can.
Happier Life Live is going to be two days to get you feeling joyful and inspired. Find your mojo, find your motivation, find your passion, feel better about life… wit no fluff or bullsh*t in sight.
Will I see you there?
Helen Calvert
The No Bullsh*t Coach
March 2024