Introducing Emma Wood who is one of our team of fabulous virtual assistants.
Emma grew up in North Manchester, went to visit family in New Zealand in 2001 and ended up staying there until 2007! She now lives in Sale, south Manchester with her other half, little girl and crazy puppy.
Emma began her career in HR admin and then moved into IT, working on the implementation and training of HR & Payroll Systems. Upon moving back to the UK she worked on the implementation and support of integrated workplace management systems for PFI contracts, before moving to a new role as an IT Business Analyst.
Once her little girl was born Emma had a complete change and ran her own business providing art classes for babies and toddlers which she then sold in 2020. Emma now volunteers at her daughter’s school, and enjoys a coffee & catch up, crafting and travelling.
How did you come to be a part of the Clear Day team Emma?
I was introduced to the Clear Day team by Sam MacMahon who is the team’s Business Manager. Our children are in the same class at school and we had many conversations at the school gate! We had chatted a little about my work history and when Helen was looking to expand the team Sam introduced us.
How do you uphold the Clear Day values of calm, clarity, confidence, focus and progress?
I think my background in systems and processes makes me quite an analytical thinker. My default is to look at a problem and analyse it to find a solution. I feel that when you combine this with the challenges of being a parent, it makes me ideally placed to deal with any challenges that arise. Nothing in your work life can phase you after you’ve dealt with a child’s tantrums!
Describe your ideal client:
I love working with clients where I feel I can add value to their business. Someone to get a good process in place which I can then pick up and run with. When the trust is built and I can get on with the admin and back office processes, so that the client can focus on business development – that’s what I love. Knowing that I am making their life so much easier.
Click here to find out more about working with Emma or any of the Clear Day team.
Clear Day
August 2023