Introducing Charlotte Venton who is one of our team of fabulous virtual assistants.
Charlotte studied newspaper journalism and graduated in Broadcasting Studies with the dream of becoming a weather girl! After uni she travelled around Europe and unexpectedly fell into sales and marketing, managing a lifestyle photography studio.
After having children Charlotte became self-employed for the flexibility and diversity it offers – no two days are the same. She works as a PA focusing on family and home management.
Charlotte supports Clear Day clients as a VA concentrating on diary and inbox management.
In her spare time Charlotte enjoys regular jogs, spin classes, spending time with her family and the man of her dreams and eating out!
How did you come to be a part of the Clear Day team Charlotte?
I was introduced to Helen by a lovely client of mine who worked as a VA for Clear Day. She was stepping down and asked if I’d be interested in taking over her clients. Helen and I had a good chat, I found out more about Clear Day, we met on Zoom and the rest is history.
How do you uphold the Clear Day values of calm, clarity, confidence, focus and progress?
From the outset I make sure I understand completely the work my clients are handing over to me. I ask questions, undertake independent research where necessary, so I have clarity about the task in hand. This enables me to be fully prepared to focus on the task or project.
It can be a huge thing for my clients to start handing over work to me that they have historically managed themselves. I have a calm approach to my work which helps give my clients confidence. I’m also willing to suggest ideas that may help my clients, and bring more calm to them and their business.
I’m always happy to speak up if something isn’t my area of expertise and willing to learn about systems and processes I’m not particularly familiar with if it will help my client. We have a great team at Clear Day and we all communicate regularly – this is good for a whole host of things like sharing information such as I.T. knowledge or social media tips. I always say if I can’t help you, one of the Clear Day team will be able to.
Describe your ideal client:
I’m lucky enough to work with some wonderful clients who have built such fantastic businesses – it’s great to be able to help them and feel like part of their team. They’re good communicators, passionate about what they do and willing to hand things over to free up their time to do what they do best. What more could I ask for?
Click here to find out more about working with Charlotte or any of the Clear Day team.
Clear Day
July 2023