“I’m allowing myself more and more to be who I really am – and that’s the kindest thing I can do for myself.”
Today I am having a coffee with Kate Brown of Calm at Work and Calm at Home, who has kindly agreed to answer my questions about her no BS happier life…
Q. How long have you been self-employed, and how do you make the most of the freedom that self-employment brings?
A. I am 6 years self-employed. It gives me the freedom to do all of the school runs and after school activity runs, and to do a Kundalini Yoga class every Friday morning. It also gives me the freedom to move appointments from daytime to evening during school holidays, so I get to spend the school holiday days with my girls. Plus I use the freedom to volunteer two Wednesdays a month at Dunham Massey, and to volunteer when I can with Olinda Community Garden. I have met so many people and have such a wider network now than I had when I was employed thanks to networking events, volunteering and Facebook groups.
Q. What are you passionate about – in business and in life?
A. I am passionate about balance and rest and listening to my gut, and going at my own speed and owning all parts of myself. I am passionate about standing up for injustice, and standing up for those without a voice – and standing up for myself. I am passionate about my family and spending time laughing and having fun together, and generally being together and experiencing life together. I am also passionate about minimising negative impact on the Earth.
Q. What brings you joy?
A. So much! Laughing with my kids and my hubby, sunlight in the morning, birdsong, autumn leaves to kick through, sunlight through bare tree branches, seeing the buds of new growth on trees in spring, the first flowers of spring, the smell of woodland after rain…
The lush vibrant aliveness of the summer green of tree canopies and woodlands, waterfalls, rainbows, seeing the moon in a clear night sky, warm fluffy socks, huge mugs of tea, chips with loads of salt and vinegar on, harvesting food I’ve sown and tended to myself, harvesting food I’ve had no input into growing – the apples and rhubarb – they are always such a joyous gift…
Hugs, kisses, house plants, Ella vegan chocolate, meditation, kundalini yoga, swimming, walking, breakfast in bed, colourful sunsets, frosty mornings with the sun shining in a clear blue sky, witnessing acts of kindness, smiles from strangers, time spent outside with my kids and hubby, long soaks in the bath.
Q: How do you nurture yourself when you do something that is outside of your comfort zone?
A: I schedule in downtime afterwards in which I tend to watch some crappy TV series I’m into, to give myself some zone out time. I make and drink a cup of tea, I lie on my Shakti mat. Or I have a really long bath with Epsom salts in. Sometimes I cry, or talk it through with hubby or mum. I also ask for others to celebrate and acknowledge my achievement.
Q: How do you show yourself excessive kindness?
A: By totally accepting all my feelings and needs. I will verbalise to kids and hubby when I can’t be arsed making the next meal, or doing the washing, or emptying the dishwasher, or being around people (them included!), or any adulting activity, or even actively living activity! I’m allowing myself more and more to be who I really am – and that’s the kindest thing I can do for myself.
Q. What is one thing about being a business owner that you have learned is BS?
That working for yourself is easier than being employed – total shite!!
Also, that everyone who isn’t self-employed seems to think that this is true, and that you’re available during the day/whenever because you don’t have a job…and they won’t understand that you’re often working MORE hours now than you were before, and that you don’t get paid for most of it!
I’ve learned that family won’t ‘get’ what you do, or even show vague interest in finding out – and that’s TOTALLY BS!
Q. What will be your next adventure?
A. A family holiday to Mallorca next Easter; training in the No Hands massage method this year and… the next moment of my life! Cheesy, but true, I never know what’s going to happen, and life and living is definitely the biggest adventure.
Q. An important part of owning our own story is being able to state who we are without explanation. Tell us something about yourself / your preferences / your needs without any background or context:
A. I am a vegan, I love animals and I will not touch your pet.
Q. Who are you looking to work with, and how can people get in touch?
A. People who want to experience freedom and expansion in their physical, mental, emotional and spiritual selves. People who want more space to ‘be’.
You can email, message, ring me – all of the details are on my website.
My thanks to Kate for allowing me to share her story! Look out for more interviews with members of my wonderful business network coming soon.
Helen Calvert
The No Bullsh*t Coach
January 2023