Introducing Marie Clarke who is one of our team of fabulous virtual assistants.
Marie grew up in the South of England but has travelled extensively throughout the world. Her background is in teaching English as a foreign language, and she holds a degree in English and Education.
Marie is a mum of two children who have additional needs, so she has learnt what this can mean for a family and has taught others in similar situations how to face challenges head on.
Marie fell into office and social media work by chance. It was time for a change, she was offered an opportunity and took it and has run with it ever since.
How did you come to be a part of the Clear Day team Marie?
Purely by chance. My very good friend Angie who currently works for Clear Day told you about me when a job opening came up, she knew I was looking for work which would work on my schedule due to my family life. To this day, I do not know exactly what she said but one day I get a message if I would be interested in talking to you. I jumped at the chance and worst case it was going to be a no – thankfully it went the opposite way and I had a chit chat, filled out the online form and here we are months later, enjoying it all.
How do you uphold the Clear Day values of calm, clarity, confidence, focus and progress?
I am honest with them, if they are doing something daft I will tell them! If they have done something great (big or small) I will tell them!
For me, everything is about keeping the communication lines open even when life becomes chaotic. There is always a way to bring it back into focus, calm down, move forward and realise the chaotic was not as bad as first perceived, because they have managed to talk through it with me and a plan has been created.
I ask questions or I give direction depending on the client. You can’t go anywhere unless you vaguely know where you want to end up.
Give me the barest of bare bones and life will bloom from it by speaking, sharing ideas and putting things into action with support along the way when things veer off to the left or right.
Describe your ideal client:
I am open to clients who are open themselves, who are willing to accept other people’s help, willing to listen and willing to accept there are people who have more knowledge and experience in certain areas. Clients who realise my job is to help them succeed in what they want to do.
Click here to find out more about working with Marie or any of the Clear Day team.
Clear Day
April 2023